303 ------- 505 Poor USA, (It's poor.) is engaged in "meaningless" POSTURING whose SOLE MOTIVE is to give the World the impression that the USA is "still" the THE WORLD'S SUPER POWER so that the U.S. DOLLAR stays strong for as long as possible. China, on the other hand, has MONEY TO SPARE as it's acting as A WORLD DEVELOPMENT BANK for most of the world. China is in THE ENVIOUS POSITION of being THE ONLY NATION that has THE MONEY to invest abroad IN A BIG WAY (apart from a few excessively rich 6 Muslim Gulf Countries). Then, there's THE SERIOUS MATTER of "the state" of THE BATTLESHIPS: those of the USA are OLD while China's are BRAND NEW and READY TO GO! Should the USA hit China militarily - in any way, the USA can "expect" A BARRAGE OF SUPERSONIC MISSILES that take out the Pentagon, the White House, Capitol Hill along with the TOP U.S. 10 cities that have economic growth. The war will be over before it even started with the USA WAVING THE WHILE FLAG in a matter of hours. So! Do we need to have a war to determine who's "THE" WORLD'S SUPER POWER - today? Obviously, NOT! It's - ALREADY - a done deal. Chine - NOW - is THE BIG WINNER, NOT the USA, because the USA is SHORT OF MONEY. A "real" SUPER POWER has to have MONEY: that leaves the USA OUT! And China is in NOT by default THE BIG WINNER. It's because ONE of it's FOUR MODERNIZATION PRIORITIES "has always been" THE MILITARY. The "other" three (3) being agriculture, industry, science+technology. Ken, Toronto, CANADA