THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED. SO MUCH FOR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in the Catholic Church in the USA, eh. (Ha! Ha!) NOT SURPRISING: the Catholic Church in the USA has CIA agents as priests. What about bishops? We have CIA Catholic priests at Saint Peter's Church here in Toronto. OF ALL CHURCHES in the World, the U.S. Catholic Church is THE MOST DELINQUENT: NO SURPRISE THERE, right? 1,433 It's A REAL JOY for me to hear him speak: his words are the words of a devote priest. HOWEVER, the Church has ALWAYS BEEN IN CRISIS because it is A MIX OF GOOD GUYS + BAD GUYS. He has been very well educated as A DEVOTE PRIEST: HIS SEMINARY DESERVES THE CREDIT. HE TALKS LIKE A PRIEST. He says:"SPEAK THE TRUTH. STAY CLOSE TO CHRIST. GOD IS IN CHARGE. WE NEED TO DENOUNCE WRONG DOING IN THE CHURCH." Yes! BUT ALSO IN THE WORLD. Which he is NOT SAYING is THAT is OUR NUMBER ONE JOB, THAT is what MAKES US A MARTYR + GETS US INTO HEAVEN. The purpose of the liturgy + our prayer life is TO GEAR US UP TO DENOUNCE WRONG DOING, more precisely SOCIAL + ECONOMIC INJUSTICE (i.e. POVERTY). His sermon, though priestly in tone, LACKED FOCUS. On a personal level, he seems to be admitting that he cries a lot + feels lonely: his Bishop has to take responsibility for this. This is THE EFFECT of his Bishop NOT TAKING HIS JOB SERIOUSLY. In other words, THE BISHOP IS ACTING EXACTLY AS AN UNFAITH SPOUSE who pretends to be faithful all the while enjoying an extamarital relationship OR MORE! HIS BISHOP'S INFEDELITY to the Church is what is making him cry: His BISHOP is supposed to come to him as AN ALTER CHRISTUS, NOT as a stranger. And WHAT IS EVIL IN ALL THIS is that his Bishop derives enjoyment from this holy priest's suffering out of envy BECAUSE THE BISHOP IS EVIL. HOW HOLY IS THIS PRIEST? He provides us WITH A GREAT INSIGHT PROVIDED by Jesus who loves him dearly + THAT INSIGHT IS THIS: THE LAITY MUST MAKE THEIR BISHOP ACCOUNTABLE. BISHOPS who are SANCTIMONIOUS FREELOADERS hurt the faithful who want to devotely follow Jesus into Heaven. A nonchalant, noncaring Bishop who "plays THE CHURCH GAME" intentionally enjoys hurting them, impeding them from BEING JOYFUL. Incidemtly, contrary to the thinking of Pope John-Paul ll, the Church is meant to be driven BY THE LAIETY, NOT BY THE CLERGY whose role is meant to be SUPPORTIVE + SECONDARY to the LAIETY. The clery do NOT rank higher than the laiety in holiness because of their chosen profession that provides them with A NICE LIVING with BISHOPS LIVING IN PALACES in the lap of luxury. IT IS TO BE NOTED: the "legitimate" fight between the LAIETY + the CLERGY is what drove PROTESTANTISM. This GOOD PRIEST needs to LAUGH MORE knowing that he's NOT THE PROBLEM: HIS BISHOP IS "THE" PROBLEM. This priest does NOT WANT TO "PLAY CHURCH" AND "RISK LOSING JESUS" in the words of Archbishop Oscar Romeo of El Salvador killed by the CIA for STANDING UP FOR TRUTH + ACTIVELY DENOUNCING SOCIAL + ECONOMIC INJUSTICE when HIS FELLOW BISHOP'S were NOT DOING SO because he DID NOT WANT TO LOSE JESUS. (¡VIVA EL REY DE LOS REYES! ¡VIVA!) :D The Church has to put a mechanism in place so that evey five (5) years the laity of each diocese can vote on keeping their bishop or NOT! BAD BISHOPS, those "playing church" rather than DENOUCING SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE IN THEIR BACKYARD kill the spiritual life of their diocese which is suppose to be VIBRANT + where the faithful are JOYFUL in the knowledge that their walking with Jesus to the place that Jesus has prepared for them with their Bishop leading the way. Ken, Toronto, CANADA