The 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) is being held in Shanghai between November 5 and 10, with the participation of 154 countries, regions and international organizations. The event has attracted 289 of the world's top 500 companies and leading industry companies, a record high. 6. China's persistent reform practices and opening-up policies have played a positive role in promoting the recovery of the world economy and realizing more balanced and sustainable development. Do you agree or disagree? 769 votes 15 comments ALL THOSE COUNTRIES ASSOCIATED WITH CHINA will enjoy AT THE VERY LEAST A CERTAIN LEVEL OF PROSPERITY in the coming years. In this VERY SEVERE GLOBAL ECONOMIC DOWNTURN for perhaps decades to come that we are falling into, they will do "relatively" well thanks TO THE "SYNERGY" AFFORDED THEM by COMBINING FORCES for THE GREATER GOOD thanks to the WIN-WIN ECONOMICS of China. :D All the evidence to date indicates WITH CHINA, YOU CAN ONLY WIN! WITHOUT CHINA, YOU"RE STARING AT POVERTY - IN THE FACE. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA