9K views --------------------------------------------- 138K 54 comments -------------------------------------- 1,298 I cannot THANK YOU enough for your excellent and exhaustive analysis. :D THE AMERICANS + THEIR ALLIES remain in COLD WAR CONFRONTATIONAL MODE at a time when THE WORLD HAS MOVED ON TO GREATER THINGS that will MAKE THE WORLD WORK FOR ALL with Chairman Xi + President Putin LEADING THE WAY: more importantly, they have THE FINANCIAL CLOUT + INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT + CREDIBILITY to do that. SADLY, THE AMERICANS + THEIR ALLIES are OUT OF STEP with TODAY'S REALITY of creating a global economy that creates jobs in order to counter THE HEAVY JOB LOSSES down the road. THEIR MILITARY RESPONSE TO ALL THINGS at a time when the word is faced with an "historic" economic downturn has SERIOUS, NEGATIVE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES like a declining GDP + a lower cost of living producing setting off CONTINOUS SOCIAL DEMOSTRATIONS as things get worse and worse over time due to THESE serious MIS- ALLOCATION OF "limited" FINANCIAL RESOURCES badly needed for social programs in response to poverty on account of JOB LOSS: this will be paid back in spades terms of SOCIAL TURMOIL that will further "drag" these countries (which ALL have BLOATED PUBLIC DEBTS - by the way) DROWN financially. CAN THEY AFFORD TO GO DOWN THIS DISTRUCTIVE, ANTI-SOCIAL PATH? NO!!! ALREADY, MANY OF THEM are in RECESSION which will be followed by A DEPRESSION - possibly lasting FOR DECADES. Ken, Toronto, CANADA