966 views -------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2K 12 comments --------------------------------------------------------- 45 ALL THIS IS OVERLY COMPLICATED. This Asian Trilateral Summit is NOT an encounter of EQUALS. China acting as as A WORLD DEVEPOPMENT BANK has an "ascending" economy + the other 2 have a "descending" economy that is aply reflected in the diminishing value of their respective currencies. The Japanese admit to being poor. NOT the South Koreans. NOT YET. (Ha! Ha) Largely, I suspect that is due to South Korea's OVER INFLATED EGO. NEITHER South Korea NOR Japan IS HIGHLY VALUED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY AT LARGE due to U.S. CONTROL OF THEIR MILITARY + FOREIGN AFFAIRS. For THE SAKE OF THEIR FUTURE PROSPERITY + PEACE IN THE REGION, they do "need" to be FRIENDS of BOTH China + North Korea AND turn its back on the USA whose foreign policy since the 1970s has been THE DESTABALI- ZATION OF ALL NATIONS. THEY BOTH "OUGHT" TO BE NEUTRAL NATIONS with NO MILITARY. A 3-day war with China would mean they'd lose their independence + be integrated into China in which case Japan would no longer be AN IRRITANT IN CHINA'S SIDE. (Ha! Ha!) LET'S NOT FORGET the USA "intends" to make FULL USE of it military bases on China's western flank along with its bases in South Korea + Japan using "limited" nuclear warfare in the middle of China, a war that has been "in the works" since the 1960s. ON A POSITIVE NOTE, NORTH KOREA UNDER THE GREAT LEADERSHIP OF KIM JONG UN took ALL THE NECES- SARY STEPS to dismantle its nuclear program as it was "intimated" by President Trump that THE SANCTIONS WOULD BE LIFTED: that was THE IMPLICIT MESSAGE, The SUPREME LEADER of North Korea was lead to believe this by the U.S. Gov't. THE AMERICANS "intentionally" TRICKED HIM IN ORDER TO "FURTHER" ANGER HIM. THE AMERICANS MISLEAD HIM. The South Koreans + the Japanese should have been MOTIFIED! OUTRAGED! They should have precipated to North Korea's side offering MORAL SUPPORT for U.S. TREACHERY: an insult to "ALL" ASIANS - NOT JUST NORTH KOREA. TO HIS GREAT CREDIT - though rattled - THE SUPREME LEADER OF KOREA, THE GREAT Kim Jong Un, took it in stride. IN SHORT, NEITHER South Korea NOR Japan has any pride in being Asian which China - under the leadership of Chairman Xi - HAS PLENTY OF. :D WHAT I FIND MOST ABERRANT is the attitude of the U.S. Gov't which is this: EVERYONE, EVERYONE IS A WHORE THAT CAN BE "BOUGHT" and that goes for countries as well like MOST NOTABLY South Korea + Japan. Ken, Toronto, CANADA