14K views -------------------------------------------------- 38K 95 comments --------------------------------------------- 148 THE BOMBING OF THE CHINESE BELGRADE EMBASSY is A SIGNIFANT CHINESE EVENT. The Chinese told the USA they were there in the embassy SO THEY WOULD NOT GET BOMBED. "IMMEDICATELY AFTER" THE AMERICANS BOMBED THE EMBASSY "SECONDS LATER" making the AMERICAN BOMBING OF THEIR EMBASSY A VERY "INTENTIONAL" EVENT to the ire of the Chinese who "promised" they would NOT FORGET. IN SHORT, the USA - "a spent force" on the international stage - is against THE MIGHTY CHINA, "MIGHTY" BECAUSE CHINA IS SUPER RICH AS IT OPERATES AS A WORLD DEVELOPMENT BANK at a time when the USA is SUPER BROKE with its DOLLAR ABOUT TO SERIOUSLY DROP IN VALUE as Americans spend less + less sending the U.S. economy into A LETHAL, DOWNWARD SPIRAL. Chairman Xi's visit is to "remind" the Europeans that CHINA I S "THE BIG BOSS" and "THE BIG BOSS" is RUSSIA'S BEST FRIEND. (THE CHINESE SUBTEXT when it comes to Russia is this: BACK OFF at a time when NATO is considering sending troops into the Ukraine.) In other words, China's visit is TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT + PUT EVERYTHING INTO PERSPECTIVE with BRICS being "THE" BACKDROP TO ALL THIS: A NEW WORLD IN 2025 "without" the USA, NATO countries, Japan + South Korea who are NOW seeing their GDP along with their respective currencies LOSE VALUE. THE REALITY IS IF YOU'RE NOT A FRIEND OF CHINA YOU'RE GOING TO BE POOR! THE USA IS NOT A FRIEND OF CHINA. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA