198 ------- 204 --------- 302 @rockyfjord5338 Putin may be the greatest political genius since Napoleon and Bismarck. THE GREATEST! :D He demonstrated that when he defended Syria OVER 10 YEARS from UNPROVOKED U.S. AGGRESSION. Now, he's PREVENTING WW3. Glory to Russia! Ken, Toronto, CANADA @peterrowe6055 Europe did it to themselves. Their ill-advised climate change policies destroyed their access to abundant affordable conventional and nuclear energy. ... . Their climate change policies seemed to me to be driven by PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRMS. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @silaslarsen8185 please explain. FASCIST POLICE STATES turn to PUBLIC RELATION FIRMS to develop POLICY + write POLITICAL SPEECHES: t's AN EASY, NO SWEAT APPROACH. THE END PRODUCT "sounds" CREDIBLE, but IN REALITY isN'T, but the Media is to present it AS TRUE: this imakes for EASY CONSUMPTION by THE MASSES "exploited" by THE FASCIST POLICE STATE. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA @brotherVooDoo I think it's time for Europe to take control of there own destiny and distance themselves from north america . This BRINGS TO MIND Angela Merkel's FAMOUS LINE: "we NEED the USA." (Yes, Dear. AND "you" NEED a brain transplant. Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @vanveakrin276 Putin will visit China in October 2023 to talk to XI JIN PIN on the future problems next year 2024 ... CASH FLOW and New Rail project from Biyst on Ob river to ALTAY China....and also the US presence in Tajikistan.. It's for THE PHOTO OP. :D A shrewd move by the World's 2 GREATEST POLITICAL LEADERS. Ken, Toronto, CANADA @Jim-nt7xy Ursula's got her panties tied in knots This woman's is LOST IN THE CLOUDS: "WHAT am I to say + do, USA?" U.S. RESPONSE: "We're THERE - for you." (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @silaslarsen8185 Lots of hurt feelings about loosing western customers I see. China is entering a prolonged economic depression. China's DEPRESSION is U.S. propaganda. AMERICANS ARE THE WORLD'S BIGGEST LIARS. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA