13K views -------------------------------------------------------------------- 41K 181 comments ------------------------------------------------------------- 414 I should point out to THE TORONTO STAR has ALWAYS BEEN a CIA-run newspaper lead by former Chicago Tribune em- ployees WHILE EVERYONE ELSE there, EVERYONE are CIA- agents, Its editorial is GREAT FOR PROVIDING INSIGHT INTO HOW the CIA sees things in Canada: YOU GET THEIR "SPIN" on all things Canadian - on a daily basis. :D They're A GREAT SUPPORTER of THE CITY OF TORONTO as it is run by the CIA whose mayor, incidentally, is A CIA AGENT who claims to be from Hong Kong, BUT she does NOT speak English with a Hong Kong accent, BUT RATHER as an Asian who grew up in the USA + her "antics" are typically American and "definitly" NOT AT ALL Asian. :D IN FACT, everyone in front of thr TV camara in Toronto are NOW CIA agents. SO ... HOW DOES THIS PLAY OUT? Toronto is THE BOOM CITY of the world with 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES, BUT THE CITY INCREASED ITS PROPERTY TAX TO AN ALL TIME HIGH of 9.6%. MAKE SENSE? NO! NONE of the CIA agents in front of the camara NOR the TORONTO STAR NEWSPAPER ever mentiom that "Toronto is THE BOOM CITY of the world with 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES" BECAUSE Torontonians would quickly realize property tax should NOT have reached A RECORD HIGH of 9,6%, right? The CIA has NOT ONLY taken over the media in Toronto, BUT ALSO ALL the college + universities including several of the hospitals that have CIA nrses + doctor. The CIA now run about 25 cities INCLUDING the Canada Pension Plan out of Moncton - FOR DECADES! Ken, Toronto, CANADA @Bung-o-Boi High quality schizo-post, love it @Bung-o-Boi Just "need" TO POINT OUT to my CIA friend that OVER 1/2 THE NEWS in Canada is AMERICAN. (Ha! Ha!) I EXPECTED that I would get AT LEAST 1 CIA RESPONSE. :D THANKS for NOT LETTING ME DOWN. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. Ken, Toronto, CANADA