887 --------------------------------> COMMENT LATER DELETED. Ms. Palki Sharma - ONCE AGAIN - demonstrates HER BRILLIANCE in reporting on current events: she's TRULY A STAR in the realm of CORRECT, PRECISE INFORMATION TRANSMISSION in a world where THAT is highly prized at a time when the world is faced with a lot of uncertainty regarding the future. CONGRATS to both her + her employer. Re: the subject at hand, BRICS It is A GLOBL ECONOMIC GAME CHANGER: it adds AN "UNPRECEDENTED" DEGREE OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC COHESION which will strengthen the financial markets + will SERVE AS A BUFFER to a globally constricting economy in the coming years as DEMAND wanes with more + more people have less + less discretionary income: this will result in job loss + less revenue for governments. For A STRONG GLOBAL ECONOMY whose aim is PROSPERITY THE ENDS POVERTY FOR PERMANENT PROSPERTIY, BRICS is THE WAY to go. It's STEPPING AWAY FROM THE STATUS QUO in order to TRY SOMETHING NEW - that WILL TURN THINGS AROUND for the better - that will GENERATE WEALTH by putting ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (which China has been very effectively doing) AT THE FOREFRONT - where it should be. Its success will be determined to the extent it can keep the USA, AMERICAN allies+ NATO countries at bay. I'm surprised that NO LATINO COUNTRIES - apart from MEXICO - has shown an interest in joining: it would provide A VERY MUCH NECESSARY SHIELD from U.S. interference in their economic future. Clearly, with BRICS, THE ECONOMIC FUTURE OF THE WORLD LOOKS BRIGHT - indeed. We can THANK both China + Russia for this. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA