1,300 ------ 1,400 ---------- 1,500 He is talking about injustice - right? Is his Gov't A "JUST" GOV'T? One that is 100% financially transparent? Is it run for THE GOOD OF A FEW (like all other AFRICAN BRITISH COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES)? And he's CRYING ABOUT INJUSTICE to get some laughs? Is he just ANOTHER "ELITIST", ENGLISH-SPEAKING BLACK AFRICAN LEADER who treats INJUSTICE as A JOKE? ANOTHER HA-HA CLOWN? What action is he taking to RECTIFY - social + economic - INJUSTICE IN HIS OWN BACKYARD in order to RAISE THE STANDARD OF LIVING in "his" country that "HE" RUNS? Let's NOT KEEP "THAT" A SECRET. (Ha! Ha!) IT SEEMS TO BE: now, THAT's SILLY + FUNNY + SAD - ALL AT THE SAME TIME, no? Is he DOING HIS JOB? :D AS LONG AS THESE BLACK AFRICAN LEADERS act like CLOWNS, NEITHER the World, NOR "THEIR OWN" PEOPLE CAN them seriously, I think. What do you think? Are they in politics for THE LAUGHS + THE FREE RIDE or FOR THE GOOD OF "ALL" THEIR PEOPLE? Ken, Toronto, CANADA